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Dates & times

This training consist of 6 training days which will take place on the following dates:

Friday 17 April 2020
Friday 24 April 2020
Friday 15 May 2020
Friday 5 June 2020
Friday 12 June 2020
Friday 26 June 2020

from 9.30 AM - 5 PM

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City Center of The Hague
The Netherlands

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Sascha Kramer, Group Compliance Manager at SBM Offshore

Willemijn Jonker, Specialised anti-corruption lawyer

Moniek Hutten, Dutch Anti-Corruption Centre of the Fiscal Information and Investigation Service (FIOD)

Frank Cederhout, Senior Manager Forensic & Financial Crime at Deloitte Financial Advisory

Vincent Kempkes, Group Communications Director at SBM Offshore

And others

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Course fee

Registration before 1 March 2020€ 2,950 excluding 21% VAT
€ 619.50 VAT
€ 3,569.50 incl. VAT

Registration after 1 March 2020€ 3,250 excluding 21% VAT
€ 682.50 VAT
€ 3,932.50 incl. VAT

This includes:

6 training days
drinks & lunches
(digital) training materials
dinner on 17 April 2020

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Education points

This training consist of 36 hours of permanent education.

We are accredited by amongst others the:

Koninklijke Nederlandse Beroepsorganisatie van Accountants (NBA)
Nederlandse orde van advocaten (NOvA)
Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie (KNB)
Register Belastingadviseurs (RB)


Anti-bribery and corruption enforcement actions are rising globally. Organizations across every industry should be aware of the consequences and repercussions of corruption violations which can be swift and severe. Countless firms have been subject to major fines and other penalties that have had highly negative impact on their business and many individual employees have been prosecuted on criminal charges. White Collar Academy offers an anti-bribery and corruption training to ensure that your organization is compliant with modern international anti-corruption legislation.

Maintaining your reputation in business means everything and ensuring your organization is compliant with the terms of the FCPA, UK Bribery Act as well as other national legislation should be high on your list of priorities. Anti-bribery and anti-corruption measures should form a key part of your organization’s compliance strategy, and implementing a robust training solution to keep your employees aware of the threat of corruption is essential. Effective training on this topic will help employees at all levels understand their roles in protecting material non-public information and the implications and consequences of disregarding the bribery and corruption rules.

White Collar Academy has developed an ABC training specified to the needs of compliance professionals. The program covers a broad range of topics, including recent developments, stimulating debate, fostering networking, cross-fertilisation and the global exchange of experience. The aim of this training is to providing comprehensive, high-quality and easily accessible anti-bribery and corruption education.


Training Day 1

International laws and standards & investigating corruption

Friday 17 April 2020 | 9.30 AM - 5 PM

  • Opening of the ABC Training

  • Psychology related to wrong doing

  • Investigating corruption

  • Discussing a corruption case

  • Introduction to relevant legal frameworks: Dutch legal framework, US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act

  • The Enforcement of Anti-Corruption Legislation

  • New anti-corruption legislation and new enforcement risks (Brazil, South Korea, France)

Speakers: Monique Hutten & Willemijn Jonker

Training Day 2

Designing an Effective Anti-Corruption Compliance Programme

Friday 24 April 2020 | 9.30 AM – 5.00 PM

  • Principles of corruption prevention and detection

  • Anti-Corruption Strategies for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  • Generic Integrity management and ABAC frameworks

  • Key elements of an effective ABAC compliance program

  • Compliance governance, leadership commitment and culture

Speaker: Sascha Kramer

Training Day 3

Compliance in Action & practical realities

Friday 15 May 2020 | 9.30 AM – 5.00 PM

  • Developing Codes of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Compliance Policies

  • Doing business abroad & cultural differences

  • How to Effectively Map Your Company’s Bribery & Corruption Risks

  • Defining and managing conflicts of interest

  • Supply chain management and, third party risks, third party due diligence and continuous monitoring

Speaker: Sascha Kramer

Training 4

Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Compliance Management

Friday 5 June 2020 | 9.30 AM – 5.00 PM

  • Supply chain management, third party risks and payment due diligence

  • Evaluating your Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Compliance Programme

  • Monitoring and Evaluation of the Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Compliance Programme

  • The importance and challenges of measuring the effectiveness of your programme

Speaker: Sascha Kramer

Training day 5

Crises Management

Friday 12 June 2020 | 9.30 AM – 5.00 PM

  • Incident response & Crises Management

  • Internal Investigations: a legal point of view

  • Methodology and Technology in Internal Investigations

  • Self-Disclosure, or not?

Speakers: Willemijn Jonker & Frank Cederhout

Training day 6

Responses, communication, reputation & media

Friday 26 June 2020 | 9.30 AM – 5.00 PM

  • Reputation management: why and how?

  • Communications when in crises

  • Dealing with media: Media training

  • Whistle-blowers: do’s & don’ts

  • Exercise: Dealing with Employees under Suspicion


Willemijn Jonker & Vincent Kempkes


Target Audience   

The ABC Training is specifically designed for and only accessible to compliance professionals wishing to enhance their understanding of anti-bribery compliance and attain a accreditation in this field:

  • Anyone responsible for ensuring or contributing to their organisation's compliance with the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK Bribery Act

  • Ethics & Compliance Officers

  • General Counsels

  • Directors

  • Managers

  • Accountants

  • Auditors


By the end of the training participants will have an understanding of:

  • What constitutes corruption;

  • The consequences of corruption;

  • The international framework of anti-corruption conventions, laws (FCPA, UKBA and relevant national legislation), protocols and best practices;

  • Essential sources of anti-corruption compliance; 

  • The various stakeholders and organizations involved in corruption prevention; 

  • Corruption enforcement;

  • High-risk countries, industries and customers;

  • Tools and strategies to prevent corruption.

and you will be able to:

  • Deal with challenges related to anti-corruption and integrity;

  • Gain awareness of the risks bribery poses to companies and individuals and prevent violations from occurring.

  • Achieve a better understanding of the warning signs of bribery and learn how to respond appropriately;

  • Evaluate the risk of corruption within your organisation;

  • Identify instruments for increasing transparency and accountability;

  • Develop, construct and implement tools and strategies to prevent corruption;

  • Managing third party risks;

  • Deal with whistleblowers;

  • Crisis management during corruption allegations or accusations;

  • Gain awareness of the criminal and financial risks of corruption for individuals and companies;

  • Conduct internal investigations; 

  • Deal with employees under suspicion.


During this ABC Training you will acquire knowledge which can be applied directly in your daily work. Providing theory, practicing with cases and discussing examples from practice are methods that are constantly alternated. 

We work in small groups to stimulate learning from each other. The maximum amount of participants for this training is 15.

Entry requirements

The course is specifically designed to be detailed yet accessible. Although no professional experience in anti-bribery law or compliance is required, some exposure, working experience, or training in anti-bribery compliance is preferred.

To get the most from the course, a good standard of English is required.


Participants to the ABC Training will receive the Anti-Bribery and Corruption accreditation from the White Collar Academy. 

This accreditation will be awarded to those who have:

  • attended a minimum of 5 of the 6 training days;

  • participated actively during all training days

as this ensures participants to have  acquired the requisite knowledge. 

The ABC Training does not include an exam. 

Permanent Education points 

The ABC Training consists of a total of 36 hours of permanent education (PE). The Permanent Education points that are obtained by taking part in the ABC Training are recognized by several professional organizations, amongst which:

  • Koninklijke Nederlandse Beroepsorganisatie van Accountants (NBA)

  • Nederlandse orde van advocaten (NOvA)

  • Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie (KNB)

  • Register Belastingadviseurs (RB)

  • NEVOA 


The participants of the previous edition of this training have reviewed the training as follows:

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Course Fee

  • Registration before 1 March 2020€ 2,950 excluding 21% VAT
    € 619.50 VAT
    € 3,569.50 incl. VAT

  • Registration after 1 March 2020€ 3,250 excluding 21% VAT
    € 682.50 VAT
    € 3,932.50 incl. VAT

  • This includes all training-related costs, as well as drinks, lunches and training materials. 

  • Participants are considered officially registered for the ABC Training when their application has been approved and payment has been made.


  • After filling the online application form, you will receive an invoice. 

  • You can pay in one or in two instalments. The deadline of the first instalment – or full amount – is 1 August, 2019.  This will guarantee the commitment of your employer for your participation. 

  • If you pay in two instalments, the remaining second 50% of the course fee should be received by 1 November, 2019. 

  • Payments can only be made by means of bank transfer. 

  • Please note that we employ a first pay, first serve principle.


  • For cancellations between one to two months before the training starts, 50% of the course fee will be charged. 

  • In case of cancellation within one month before the start of the course, you will have to pay 80% of the course fee.

  • Please note that in case of cancellation, a suitably qualified person may replace you without extra charge.

  • White Collar Academy reserves the right to cancel a course if the number of participants is insufficient or due to any other unforeseen circumstances. In this case your course fee will be reimbursed. Other costs e.g. for transportation cannot be reimbursed.


Want a custom compliance training solution that meets your specific needs? No problem!

An in-house option is available for organisations enrolling a minimum of 10 people in the course. Benefits include a programme tailored to the needs of your organisation, answering specific questions that rise within your organisation as well as lower costs and a reduction of travel time.

Click here to contact us.