Praktische informatie
Duur: 1 uur
Kosten: EUR 75,- excl. BTW
PO-punten: 1
Taal: Engels
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Joyce Boonstra
Joyce is oprichter van zowel actualiteitenwebsite als BijzonderStrafrecht Academie. Zij is gespecialiseerd in het ondernemingsstrafrecht en op dit moment werkzaam als Senior Legal Adviser bij De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek Advocaten.
Joyce heeft uitvoerige ervaring met omkopingszaken en verzorgt mede het onderdeel over corruptie van de (halfjaarlijkse) Kroniek Ondernemingsstrafrecht in het Tijdschrift voor Bijzonder Strafrecht & Handhaving.
The goal of this webinar is to provide an overview of the current French anti-corruption and compliance landscape. We will do so by firstly looking at anticorruption efforts in France in general, then diving into Sapin II. When do companies will within the reach of this law and what are the consequences thereof? Currently there are several proposed reforms. We will discuss those extensively. There will be attention for the French equivalent of the US DPA, the CJIP. In this regard we will take a closer look at individuals and the challenges that the current legal framework poses. Then we will discuss the role of the AFA on the evolution of the French anti-corruption system. Here, we also dive into two recommendations of the AFA from 2021, namely the updated version of practical guidance on anti-corruption verifications to be implemented in the context of mergers and acquisitions (12 March 2021) and the recommendation of 12 January 2021 to help public and private sector entities to prevent and detect bribery, influence peddling and other related offences as well as the practical implications of these recommendations. Furthermore, we will look at France’s updated international cooperation strategy. We round up with internal investigations (including the AFA and PNF guidance from March 2022 on how businesses should conduct internal investigations related to bribery and corruption) and anti-corruption compliance monitoring.
Tijdens het webinar wordt onder meer ingegaan op:
Anti-corruption in France
Sapin II
Proposed reforms
Update of Sapin II (Bill no. 4398 “Better protecting whistleblowers” and Bill no. 4586 “Reinforcing the fight against corruption”)
CJIP mechanism
Individuals in the current legal framework
Role of the AFA on the evolution of the French anti-corruption system
International Cooperation Strategy
European e-evidence proposal
Internal investigations
AFA and PNF Guidance on how businesses should conduct internal investigations related to bribery and corruption (March 2022)
Anti-corruption compliance monitoring
Compliance professionals
Ethics & compliance officers
General en legal counsels
Openbaar Ministerie
Rechterlijke macht